While in many parts of the country, people are gearing up for the fall season, here in Florida we know we still have plenty of time left before we “cool off”. Now is the time to start your Florida fall garden In South Florida, it is easy to plant throughout the whole year, but we in Northern Florida need to get started now.

Maybe you are new to gardening? You are not alone!  You can start with some tomatoes, eggplant or some hot peppers. Coming in October, you can branch out and plant some seeds that are more accustomed to cold weather. Some of my personal favourites are carrots, lettuce, peas, and collards greens! It is so important that we get these going now, so you can get the seeds germinating before it is too cold. Everything is a learning process, but you CAN grow some of your own food!

Here Are a Few Tips and Tricks to Get Your Fall Gardening Started

  • Find a good container, whether it be a big pot, old cooler, or maybe you want to build your own raised garden bed! One important factor is making sure you have holes on the bottom, which will allow for good drainage. You do not want your roots to rot!
  • Buy a bag of potting soil and a package of the seeds you are wanting to grow. Maybe some yummy collard greens or delicious tomatoes!
  • Fill your container with the soil and keep it in an area that gets that morning sun! Also, make sure it is in a place you will see it daily. Plants need attention and love too!
  • Put in a few seeds in the soil and make sure they are covered up…it really is as easy as this!
  • Water carefully and wait to see your seeds to start GROWING!


Water your plants daily and see the beauty of growing your own food. Now that you have started, I bet you will never want to stop! This can even become a fun family activity or can fit right into some virtual school science experiments!