Landscaping by DoneRight can significantly increase the value of your home. It can transform your yard from an ugly place to an eye-catching one. Our landscaping makes your home more aesthetically pleasing and adds value. Further, when the time comes to sell, it will also give you a return on your investment. In this blog post, we will look at how landscaping may increase the value of your home with the help of DoneRight experts.

Why is Landscaping Important for your Home?

Landscaping is essential to any home, providing aesthetic and functional benefits. However, if the landscaping is done well, it might dramatically increase the value of your home. In addition, it improves the overall look of your property, boosts curb appeal, and makes your home stand out. Similarly, your family can enjoy their evenings in a pleasant outdoor living space. 

In addition to adding beauty, a well-planned and managed landscape also improves the use of your home. Further, proper landscaping can help in the following ways: 

  • Control soil erosion
  • Reduce noise levels
  • Improve air quality by capturing dust particles and other pollutants
  • Help with energy efficiency by giving natural shade 
  • reduce heat accumulation throughout the summer

DoneRight is here to give you landscaping services that complete the look of your home. So Contact us now and enjoy your outdoor seating!

Are Landscape Designers Expensive?

This is a common question that many homeowners have when considering landscaping their property. The truth is that the cost of hiring a landscape designer varies based on various aspects, such as:

  •  the size of your property, 
  • the intricacy of the design, 
  • and the designer’s expertise. 

While it may be an added cost, hiring a professional landscape designer might save you money in the long term. DoneRight landscape professionals help you make the most of your property, maximize your curb appeal, and avoid costly mistakes. In addition, working with our professional landscape designer saves time and effort. They can handle all the planning, sourcing, and installation, freeing up your time and energy to enjoy your beautiful outdoor space. 

To achieve all these affordable services, contact DoneRight and enjoy your outdoor space!

Which Landscape Edging is the Best?

Landscape edging plays a significant role in the overall appearance of your outdoor space. It visually separates your lawn and garden beds while containing mulch and soil within the designated area. Choosing the correct landscape edging may take much work, with many alternatives available. Here are some standard options to consider:

  •  Concrete Edging

It creates clean, crisp lines around garden beds and driveways. Further, concrete edging comes in various shapes, colors, and textures.

  •  Brick Edging

Brick edging gives any garden bed or outdoor space a classic and timeless look. Similarly, it is a low-maintenance option that can withstand harsh weather conditions. The warm earth tones of brick can easily blend in with natural landscapes.

  • Stone Edging

Stone edging provides a natural look that works well in rustic and traditional landscapes. Further, it is long-lasting and resistant to adverse weather conditions. Stone edging can also add texture and depth to your outdoor space.

  •  Plastic Edging

This popular and low-cost option is easy to install and maintain. Plastic edging is adaptable and comes in a variety of colors and sizes. In addition, it is also an eco-friendly option as it’s made from recycled materials.

You can have any of these landscape edgings at DoneRight. Our experts possess concrete, brick, stone, and plastic edging expertise to incorporate your home needs. So contact DoneRight now!

Why is Landscape Design so Important?

Landscape design is an essential aspect of your home. It is because it sets the tone for the overall aesthetic of your property. Further, the landscape can also improve your quality of life by creating an inviting, functional, and aesthetically pleasing space.

Moreover, a well-designed landscape can increase your property’s energy efficiency by providing natural shade, reducing your cooling costs in the summer months. A landscape design can also help you make the most of your outdoor space. However, it provides space for entertaining, relaxing, and engaging in various outdoor activities.

 Similarly, a well-designed landscape can create a harmonious balance between the built environment and nature. Therefore, it results in a space that is both beautiful and functional. Investing in a quality landscape design can pay off in many ways. So contact DoneRight experts now and increase your property value and quality of life. 

Why Does Landscaping Cost so Much?

Landscaping can be expensive, but it is essential to understand the reasons behind it. Here are a few things that influence landscaping costs:

  • Materials

Quality materials such as plants, trees, soil, rocks, and mulch all add up in cost. High-end materials, exotic plants, or custom-designed features, such as water or outdoor kitchens, can increase the price tag even more.

  •  Labor

Landscaping projects often require skilled labor, such as masonry, irrigation, and carpentry, which can add up to a significant cost.

  • Equipment

Landscaping also requires specialized equipment, such as tractors, excavators, and bobcats, which are expensive.

  • Design

 Landscape design involves a lot of planning and creative input from professionals.

  • Maintenance

 After the initial installation, landscaping requires ongoing maintenance, such as pruning, weeding, and fertilizing, which can add up over time.

Budgeting is essential before starting landscaping. However, DoneRight professionals possess the right skills to provide you with high-end services at an affordable price. Contact us now to give your home a unique value without crashing your bank.